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Best Foods for Acne

Best Foods for Acne

Acne can be a painful condition, both psychologically and physically. No one wants a face full of unsightly raised, red blemishes. It’s a big blow to your self-esteem. And because your appearance matters, acne may limit social or career opportunities.

Our board-certified dermatologists at Seacoast Dermatology are the specialists you want to see to help control and/or eliminate your acne. We use the latest advances in medical research to calm the painful inflammation on your face, neck, or wherever your acne appears. 

What dermatology treatments will help my acne?

At Seacoast Dermatology, we use several tools to help control your acne and prevent outbreaks in the future. Your customized plan may include oral or topical antibiotics, prescription creams, retinoid medication, or procedures such as pore extractions and injections. 

Foods to avoid if you have acne

Lifestyle habits can play a role in acne breakouts. Did you know that the foods you eat may be contributing to your acne and making it worse? You may want to keep a food diary. 

Does your acne get worse in the days after eating a lot of certain types of foods? Here are some foods that may inflame your acne. 

Try an elimination diet, removing one food type at a time to see if you notice a difference. 

Foods to eat if you have acne 

Now that you know which foods may be contributing to your acne, what should you be eating instead? Following are healthy choices that may help calm your acne and lessen breakouts. 

Low-glycemic foods

A Mediterranean-type diet that includes low-glycemic foods with complex carbohydrates may help calm your acne. These types of food include whole grains, beans/legumes, and fruits and vegetables. 

Choose quinoa or brown rice instead of white rice and whole wheat bread instead of white bread. 

High fiber foods

High fiber foods help control blood sugar. Good choices include oatmeal, beans, apples, and carrots. Use almond milk or another type of nondairy milk for smoothies, and add oatmeal right out of the box as an ingredient in your smoothies. 

Foods high in omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids calm acne’s inflammation. They also reduce the level of a protein in your body that’s tied to acne. Here are some to add to your diet:

Staying away from sugar and eating a balanced diet with vegetables, fruits, lean protein, and whole grains may help control your acne breakouts. 

Call one of our four convenient offices for an appointment today to help get acne breakouts under control. We’re located in Portsmouth, Exeter, and Dover, New Hampshire. With our comprehensive, multi-pronged approach, you’ll see real results.

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