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Fillers vs. Botox: Which Is Best For You?

Botox® has repeatedly claimed the spot of the most popular cosmetic treatment in the nation, and it’s still No. 1 today. Over 100 million vials of Botox have been sold in the country since it was approved in 2002. 

Dermal fillers are close behind, and their use is surging, too, increasing from 1.8 million procedures in 2010 to over 2.5 million in 2016.   

Across the country, we’re seeing more young people starting to use Botox as a preventive measure in their 30s before deep wrinkles set in. More men are seeking the treatment, too. 

We’re a youth-obsessed culture. The advent of the selfie and the visual nature of social media today are factors that are increasing demand for a healthy, youthful appearance. 

Our board-certified dermatologists at Seacoast Dermatology offer Botox and dermal filler treatments to slow visible signs of aging.

More people are using dermal fillers and Botox while surgical facelifts decline in popularity. You don’t have the risks of surgery or the long recovery time in order to enhance your looks. 

What signs of aging does Botox treat?  

Botox treats the upper half of your face as well as the area around your neck. Do you have horizontal railroad tracks lining your forehead? Perhaps you have furrows or frown lines between your eyebrows. 

Fine lines and wrinkles on either side of your eyes — known as crow’s feet— are another very common problem. Botox is designed to reduce all three of these telltale aging markers. It’s also effective in lessening thick creases of tissue around your neck. 

What areas of the face are dermal fillers designed to enhance? 

Along with Botox, dermal fillers can complete your nonsurgical face renewal, because they’re  effective on the lower half of your face. 

As you age, the tissue in your cheeks loses its fullness, and skin begins to sag. The amount of collagen in your skin, a protein that keeps your skin supple, decreases. Various types of fillers can turn back the hands of time in a number of ways. Fillers can:

Many of our patients decide to get Botox and dermal fillers at the same time to maximize facial improvement. Fillers last longer than Botox, but you can get Botox boosters to retain your youthful glow while the dermal fillers are still in effect.   

Call us at Seacoast Dermatology or book an appointment online today for a consultation about nonsurgical facial rejuvenation and all of your dermatology needs. We have offices in Portsmouth, Dover, and Exeter, New Hampshire.

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