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Here's How You Can Protect Your Skin This Winter

Here's How You Can Protect Your Skin This Winter

The onset of winter can bring unwelcome changes to your skin. You may experience a rougher texture to your skin, extra redness, flaky skin, and irritated or even cracked skin as dry air and winter wind do their worst. 

Make our board-certified dermatologists at Seacoast Dermatology your go-to experts for all of your skin care concerns. We help you manage chronic skin conditions that can flare up not only in winter, but also under a variety of circumstances. 

We are your best defense if winter is drying out your skin or making a skin condition worse. 

Cold air has a lower humidity level, and your skin’s moisture evaporates faster than in warm air. Artificial heat leaves your skin dry, so the air indoors is also drier in the winter. 

Winter in New England can be especially problematic if you have a skin condition such as dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, or rosacea. These skin issues can become worse in winter’s dry air, and you’re more likely to get a winter rash. We are your skin care partners. We can help you avoid painful skin flare-ups.

Here are some tips about how you can protect your skin this winter. 

Moisturize — including overnight 

During the winter, you’re combatting drier air and the effects of wind. Your moisturizer is your best friend in terms of skin care. Always put on your moisturizer after bathing and before your skin is completely dry. 

Look for a thick moisturizer that holds water in. Whenever possible, choose paraben-free products, which means the product is free of chemicals with certain preservatives that may have harmful effects. Before bed, use an overnight cream with an emollient to restore moisture that cold air and wind have dried up. 

Turn up the humidity 

Investing in a humidifier for use during the winter months is a smart move. Set your humidifier to somewhere between 30-50%. Don’t set it higher than 60% to avoid mold. 

Use sunscreen in the winter 

The sun’s rays dry out your skin even in the winter, so wear sunscreen every time you leave the house. Use a formula with at least SPF 30. Apply the sunscreen over your moisturizer. 

Take warm, not hot showers 

Taking long showers actually dries out your skin, so make your showers short and sweet in the winter. Set the temperature to a comfortable warmth. Avoid really hot water; it can harm the surface of your skin and make skin conditions worse. 

Drink more water 

The amount of liquid you take in each day makes a difference to your skin. Hydrating your body hydrates your skin. Aim for eight glasses of water. Your daily liquid consumption can include drinks like coffee, tea, or seltzer.   

For any skin care concern, call or book an appointment online. Our offices are located in Portsmouth, Exeter, and Dover, New England. We’re your partners in your skin’s health.

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