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How to Ensure Natural-Looking Filler Results

How to Ensure Natural-Looking Filler Results

Winter can dry out your skin, making lines and wrinkles look more prominent. If you’re seeking a treatment to plump up sagging skin and minimize lines and wrinkles, dermal fillers might be the ideal solution for you. 

You may have seen photos on the web of people who’ve had poor outcomes from dermal fillers. Those results are most likely the work of unqualified providers. You don’t have to worry about that at Seacoast Dermatology.

Our board-certified dermatologists have carefully selected high quality dermal fillers to give your skin a more youthful appearance. Here are strategies to ensure that you have natural-looking filler results. 

Select a highly qualified medical professional

If you’re investigating dermal fillers, you want to improve the appearance of your facial skin and facial structure. Whether it’s a disappearing jawline or lines and wrinkles, it’s all about how your facial skin looks. 

You want to see improvement once you have dermal filler treatment. To help ensure your face looks the way you want it to look, your first step is finding a qualified medical professional to administer your treatment. The number of providers offering dermal fillers has skyrocketed in the past few years. Selecting a provider is your first task. 

Our board-certified Seacoast dermatologists hold the highest qualifications when it comes to treating your skin. Our team has spent years practicing dermatology, training new dermatologists in the field, and conducting research. 

We have investigated available dermal fillers and have selected those that provide safe and effective results. 

If you seek treatment from an inexperienced provider who is not a medical professional, they might inject too much filler or place it in the incorrect location, resulting in facial lumps, discoloration, or even vision loss. 

Always select a qualified dermatologist to administer your dermal fillers and Botox®. 

Communicate your goals clearly

We select different kinds of dermal fillers for specific areas on your face. We also select how much of the filler to use in each injection. We recommend a conservative approach. It’s possible to add more filler if needed. 

We listen to you as you explain your goals. We show you before and after photos of the type of filler we recommend for your treatment areas so you can point out the photos that appeal to you. 

Inexperienced and unqualified providers may administer the filler incorrectly, leaving you with a face that looks puffy or abnormal. At Seacoast Dermatology, we have years of experience administering dermal fillers, so you can be confident that your appearance will be natural and more youthful. 

Follow post-procedure written instructions 

While it’s not major surgery, getting dermal fillers is still a medical procedure. To ensure optimal results, follow each post-op instruction. For example, we provide guidance on when and how to use ice packs, how to clean your face, and when you can get back to the gym. 

Protect your face from the sun 

One of our instructions is avoiding the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays. Winter is a good time for dermal fillers because you’re not tempted to sit by the pool or go to the beach. Sun exposure soon after getting dermal fillers can break down the filler’s ingredients as well as inflame your skin. 

Call us at Seacoast Dermatology at one of our convenient office locations in Portsmouth, Dover, or Exeter, New Hampshire, for an appointment to see what dermal fillers can do for you. You can also book online.

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