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Introducing Telehealth - easy Phone and Video call visits from your home!

Our dermatology providers are here to help. We now offer Teledermatology to care for new or existing patients remotely—via a phone or video call. Virtual visits are now covered by most major insurances as if they were in person.

Worrisome lesions? Acne? Rash? Medication follow-up? Skin cancer consults and follow-up? Many other concerns.  All you need is access to a phone, computer or tablet. Call us at (603) 431-5205 to learn more. 

Please know that our offices remain open.  Given the nature of our specialty, there are times when it is necessary to have an in person visit or a procedure performed. Our providers are working with essential staff only to minimize your contact with other patients and staff. We also offer special clinic times for patients over the age of sixty.

The wellbeing of our staff and patients remains our top priority, and we appreciate your understanding during these unprecedented times.


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