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It's Time to Get a Handle on Adult Acne: Here's How

It's Time to Get a Handle on Adult Acne: Here's How

You thought you’d leave acne behind when you became an adult, but you’re still having breakouts. It’s distressing. 

At Seacoast Dermatology, our board-certified dermatologists provide customized, compassionate treatment for adult acne. If your acne isn’t responding to over-the-counter treatment, we’re here to help calm the embarrassing breakouts. 

The psychological toll of adult acne  

Any facial deformity affects self-esteem. Having smooth skin is a norm, and red pustules, cysts, and pimples on your face certainly count as deformities. 

We can’t overstate the emotional impact of a facial deformity. You may be worried that others think your hygiene is poor. You’re embarrassed, which makes you feel vulnerable.

Studies indicate adults with acne are at risk of depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and a feeling of loneliness. You may skip opportunities for socializing or career advancement because you’re embarrassed by the way your face looks. Acne can lead to social isolation. 


You may be under stress because of your acne, but also from other factors in your life. Stress can make acne worse. When you’re stressed, your body produces stress hormones, and they can cause oil production in your skin to surge. 

Stress also produces chemicals that inflame your acne. Try stress reduction techniques such as yoga, meditation, mindfulness, calming apps, and/or massage to calm your body’s stress response.

Effective treatments for adult acne 

Following are types of effective treatments for acne. We customize your treatment to your specific needs. 

Prescription-strength benzoyl peroxide creams

You may have tried over-the-counter creams, but they weren’t strong enough to clear your acne. Instead, you may need a prescription-strength benzoyl peroxide cream to slow bacteria growth and speed up growth of new skin cells. 

Oral or topical antibiotic medications

If we prescribe antibiotics for your acne, you must use them with care, because they can destroy good bacteria as well as bad bacteria and cause antibiotic resistance.  

Sarecycline, a new tetracycline derivative, targets bacteria that cause acne. Studies show patients are at low risk of developing antibiotic resistance. 

Spironolactone is an oral prescription medication that limits the effects of male hormones that can lead to acne. It’s an alternative to antibiotics for women with acne. We also might prescribe a topical anti-inflammatory. 

Retinoid or tretinoin medications

Retinoids help speed the development of healthy new skin cells, which means your skin heals faster. Topical prescription retinoid creams can help exfoliate and unclog pores. 

In cases where antibiotics and other medications fail, we may prescribe isotretinoin. It treats severe cystic acne causing nodules on the skin.  

Pore extractions

Through pore extractions, we remove debris and oil from clogged pores, helping to prevent pimples and blackheads.  

Chemical peel

We let you know if a chemical peel would help control your acne. Chemical peels reduce bacteria growth, remove debris from pores, and enhance new cell growth. We customize chemical peels depending on your specific needs.  

Do you want to learn more? Call us at Seacoast Dermatology today for expert adult acne treatment. We have locations in Portsmouth, Exeter, and Dover, New Hampshire.

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