Things You're Doing Wrong When It Comes to Caring for Your Skin

Your skin is your body's largest organ, and with social media today, you show a lot of it in photos and videos. Naturally, you want beautiful, blemish-free, smooth and healthy skin. Who doesn’t? But you may inadvertently be harming it.
Our board-certified dermatologists with Seacoast Dermatology are the experts when it comes to your skin. We can help you prevent skin problems as well as remediate any problems that do come up. Use the following best care practices to keep your skin glowing and radiant.
Avoid harsh cleansers on your face
Wash your face once a day and after exercising with a gentle cleanser that doesn’t contain alcohol. Don’t use deodorizing soap on your face. If you have acne, we can advise you which soaps to use.
Don’t wash your face too often
Wash your face once a day and after exercising if you have normal skin; if you have acne, wash your face twice a day and after exercising.
Don’t scrub your face or apply too much pressure. Your face isn’t a scrub board. Scrubbing can inflame your skin. Rinse with lukewarm, not hot, water, and pat dry using a soft towel.
Don’t wait to take a shower after exercising
Sweating is your body’s way of cooling itself. But your body is losing fluids, and your skin is drying out. Your sweat is composed of sodium, urea, and lactate, ingredients that dry your skin. Shower when you finish exercising and use moisturizer after your shower.
Don’t forget to use moisturizers and hydrate your skin
Do you wash your face and say one and done? There’s a good reason that moisturizers exist. Your skin has natural oils that act as lubricants, like the oil in your car that keeps it running. The sun, wind, cold, and heat all contribute to drying out your skin.
When your skin dries out too much, your skin may itch and flake. If you scratch too much, your skin can crack and bleed. Use a water-based moisturizer every time you wash to help replenish moisture. Look for one with aloe vera which helps hydrate your skin.
Hydrated skin is healthy skin. Drink enough water every day. Use cool or lukewarm water to wash and rinse your skin. Hot water dries it out. Long winters with cold air dry out the skin. Use a humidifier, which adds beneficial humidity inside your home when it’s cold outside.
Don’t pick at your face or the skin on your body
If you have acne and see a blemish, it’s tempting to try to pop it. Don’t do it. Apply medication to the blemish as directed by your dermatologist. We have several effective solutions to help you avoid scarring from picking at your face.
Look for products that are noncomedogenic, especially if you have acne. They contain ingredients that don’t block your pores.
Don’t forget to wear sunscreen every day
Do you tend to rush out of the house without thinking about skin care? Before going out, wash your face, moisturize, and use sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or more. If you’re fair, sunscreen with SPF 50-60 is preferable. Taking this simple step helps prevent skin cancer; plus, it helps keep your face from drying out from the sun’s intense rays.
Don’t skip your annual skin care checkup
Do you schedule an annual checkup with your dermatologist? That’s just as important as your annual physical with your primary care doctor. Your primary care doctor isn’t a skin specialist.
Don’t forget to do skin checkups yourself
Do regular skin checks. Has an age spot developed rough, scaly skin? Has a mole changed its appearance? If there are skin changes, your skin is sending you a message to call us for an appointment.
Melanoma is a deadly form of skin cancer. When caught early, we can treat it successfully. When in an advanced stage, melanoma can be fatal.
Melanoma doesn’t affect only older people; if you’re young and don’t protect your skin with sunscreen, you can get melanoma.
Call or book an appointment online at one of our convenient locations in Portsmouth, Exeter, and Dover, New Hampshire. We’re your partner in skin health.
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