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When Is the Right Time to Start Botox® Injections?

Do you ever wish time could stand still, especially when it comes to your skin? Youthful skin is bursting with proteins that keep your face smooth, soft, and free of lines and wrinkles. Modern medicine has some solutions to keep lines and wrinkles at bay, including Botox® injections

Our board-certified dermatologists with Seacoast Dermatology are your everything-skin experts. With Botox injections, we whisk away facial lines that make you appear older than you are. 

Why do lines and wrinkles start appearing in my 30s? 

Youthful skin contains a plentiful supply of collagen and elastin, the proteins that keep your skin smooth and wrinkle-free. As early as your mid to late 20s, your body produces less of these key proteins. Many people start to see lines and wrinkles in their 30s. 

Another factor in the evolution of facial wrinkles: facial muscle movement. Whenever you smile or frown, you activate your facial muscles. Over the years, as you repeat expressions thousands of times, temporary lines become permanent. 

What lines and wrinkles does Botox minimize? 

Botox diminishes lines and wrinkles in three prominent areas on your face: 

When do I see results and how long does Botox last? 

You’ll see results right away — within two days, with full results in about a week. Botox lasts for 3-4 months, although individual results vary. 

How does Botox smooth facial lines and wrinkles? 

Botox temporarily freezes your facial muscles. It stops the nerve signals that cause facial muscles to contract. 

Our board-certified dermatologists are the experts to choose for your Botox injections. Their understanding of facial musculoskeletal structure and skin ensure that you receive just the right amount of Botox so your appearance is completely natural. 

When is the optimal time to start Botox injections? 

The use of Botox has evolved since it was approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 2002. Dermatologists used it originally to reduce existing lines and wrinkles. 

Some millennials and younger generations use Botox as a preventive measure. Media reports note that doctors see patients come in for the 30th birthday to remove fine lines that are just beginning. Getting Botox early enough may reverse early facial lines. But we see patients of all ages come in for Botox injections. It’s never too late. 

On a related note, check your calendar for upcoming special events. Schedule a Botox appointment before a gala event — a wedding, birthday, you name it. 

Call us at Seacoast Dermatology to make an appointment and see what Botox can do for you. We have offices in Dover, Portsmouth, and Exeter, New Hampshire.

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