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When Is the Right Time to Start Botox® Injections? Mar 1st, 2025

Do you ever wish time could stand still, especially when it comes to your skin? Youthful skin is bursting with proteins that keep your face smooth, soft, and free of lines and wrinkles. Modern medicine has some solutions to keep lines and wrinkles at bay, including Botox® injections.  Our board-certified...

Why Is Mohs Surgery So Effective? Feb 1st, 2025

Skin cancer is increasing in the United States for a number of reasons. Climate change is producing hotter and longer summers. Americans love the beach and the pool, but the sun is a known carcinogen.  Aging also increases cancer risk, and the US population has a high number of baby...

How to Ensure Natural-Looking Filler Results Jan 7th, 2025

Winter can dry out your skin, making lines and wrinkles look more prominent. If you’re seeking a treatment to plump up sagging skin and minimize lines and wrinkles, dermal fillers might be the ideal solution for you.  You may have seen photos on the web of people who’ve had poor...

How to Prevent Late-Stage Vulvar Skin Cancer Dec 12th, 2024

While young women may be exposed to risks for vulvar cancer, it may not show up for years. Take preventive steps to avoid vulvar cancer at an earlier age, but also get regular skin checkups every year. More than 80% of vulvar cancer is diagnosed in women over 50 years...

5 Signs Your Rash Is Actually Psoriasis Nov 5th, 2024

As the advertisement says, if you have psoriasis, you know the heartache. You may not want to bare your hands, back, or arms because of your unsightly rash.  Psoriasis is a complex disease. Researchers don’t yet know exactly what causes it. They do know that psoriasis stems from a dysfunction...

It's Time to Get a Handle on Adult Acne: Here's How Oct 1st, 2024

You thought you’d leave acne behind when you became an adult, but you’re still having breakouts. It’s distressing.  At Seacoast Dermatology, our board-certified dermatologists provide customized, compassionate treatment for adult acne. If your acne isn’t responding to over-the-counter treatment, we’re here to help calm the embarrassing breakouts.  The psychological toll...

Know the ABCDEs of Moles Sep 6th, 2024

If you have a mole on your face, you may see it as a beauty mark or a skin imperfection. You probably rarely think about the moles on the rest of your body; they’re simply part of you.   Moles are just a mass of skin cells that have clustered together....

Help! I Think I Have a Wart Aug 7th, 2024

Do you have a growth on your skin that’s formed a raised bump? It could be a wart. For any new skin growth, you should make an appointment with a skin specialist.  At Seacoast Dermatology, our board-certified dermatologists promptly diagnose your skin growth to determine the most effective course of...

Tips for Getting Your Eczema-Prone Child Through Summer Jul 9th, 2024

If your child has eczema, how do you get through hot summer days and nights and provide the relief your child needs from itchy, irritated skin?  At Seacoast Dermatology, you can count on our board-certified dermatologists to provide expert eczema treatment for your loved one. You also have a role...

Can I Pass Rosacea on to My Children? Jun 18th, 2024

If you have rosacea, you definitely want to spare your children the discomfort and embarrassment. Is the condition hereditary? We explain here.  Our board-certified dermatologists with Seacoast Dermatology often treat patients with rosacea. While the condition isn’t curable, it’s treatable, and we can minimize symptoms that cause embarrassment.  What is...

5 Tanning Do’s and Don'ts to Follow This Coming Summer May 14th, 2024

It’s May and you’re likely enjoying the warming weather. You may be looking forward to going to the beach for the Memorial Day holiday or enjoying pool time with your family. While time in the sun is fun, remember that the sun is a ball of fire that can burn...

Our Favorite Summertime Eczema Care Tips Apr 2nd, 2024

Do you have eczema? There’s no cure for your condition, but with proper treatment, it doesn’t have to affect your quality of life.  Eczema often requires year-round care. Each season can present challenges. Weather and temperature are two environmental factors that affect eczema. Winter’s dry air makes dry skin crack...

I'm At Risk for Skin Cancer — What Should I Do? Mar 1st, 2024

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer. About 20% of all adults develop skin cancer during their lifetime. Some people have an elevated risk, and if you’re in that group, you need to take extra precautions.  At Seacoast Dermatology, our board-certified dermatologists offer expert treatment for skin cancer,...

How to Prevent Severe Acne Flare-ups Feb 1st, 2024

If you or your teen has acne, you’re seeking solutions. Even mild acne can be embarrassing, and you may feel anxious and/or depressed when it’s severe.  If you have acne flare-ups, your best solution is to visit a medical professional trained to clear up this skin condition.  At Seacoast Dermatology,...

Why Winter Is a Great Time for a Skin Checkup Jan 9th, 2024

It’s the beginning of a new year. You may be making resolutions and to-do lists for the months ahead. Don’t forget your skin health. Have you had a skin checkup in the past year?  Our board-certified dermatologists with Seacoast Dermatology perform thorough skin checks to ensure your skin health.  Skin...

4 Popular Reasons to Consider Fillers Dec 1st, 2023

December brings holiday parties and family gatherings. You want to look your best for festive, fun events with people you love. If you have signs of premature aging such as thinning lips, facial creases, and cheeks that have lost definition, now is the time to make some changes.  At Seacoast...

Why Are More Women Getting Melanoma? Nov 13th, 2023

Most people who develop skin cancer receive successful treatment, especially if the disease is caught early on. But one type of skin cancer can be deadly: melanoma. If melanoma isn’t caught in time, it can be fatal.  Our board-certified dermatologists at Seacoast Dermatology are skin cancer experts. When we check...

5 Signs of a Cancerous Mole Oct 1st, 2023

Everyone has moles. For some, like model and actress Cindy Crawford, a mole may be called a beauty spot. For most people, though, moles are simply part of your skin’s appearance, and you don’t think too much about them.  Whether you have 10 or 100 moles, you should check them...

What Causes Atopic Dermatitis in Adults? Sep 1st, 2023

You may have had problems with itchy, scaly skin from atopic dermatitis since you were a child, or you may have developed the problem as an adult, though that’s less common. We can’t cure atopic dermatitis, but we can help you manage your condition.  You probably want to know what caused your...

What You Need to Know About Vulvar Skin Cancer Aug 1st, 2023

You’re aware of the dangers of skin cancer and know to use sunscreen and other measures to protect yourself. You may not be as aware of the dangers of cancer on your vulva, which is part of your female reproductive system.  Our board-certified dermatologists with Seacoast Dermatology educate you on the risks for vulvar cancer and...

When to Consider a Botox® Touch-up Jul 1st, 2023

Are you considering Botox® for the first time or are you a recent first-timer? You’ve likely heard or read so many things about Botox, so you probably know that this cosmetic treatment doesn’t last forever.  But how long can you expect your results to last and when should you think about scheduling...

When Should I Use Medication for Acne? Jun 2nd, 2023

Acne. If you’re an adult, you thought you were through with it, but now it’s popped up — no pun intended — again. If you’re a teenager, you’re suffering a skin condition shared by 85% of your peers.  Our board-certified dermatology team at Seacoast Dermatology provides effective treatments for acne....

4 Steps to Prepare for Mohs Surgery May 4th, 2023

You may have learned that a spot on your skin is cancerous, and you need to have it removed. If you’ve also learned that you need Mohs surgery, you may have questions about the procedure and how to prepare.  Dr. James Dinulos, one of our board-certified dermatologists with Seacoast Dermatology, performs Mohs surgery, and...

Here's How Often You Should Do a Skin Check Apr 5th, 2023

Unless you have a cut, you probably don’t check your skin too closely on a regular basis except for a few areas like your face and hands. Our board-certified dermatologists at Seacoast Dermatology want you to know that performing regular skin checks should be a part of your hygiene routine.  Skin cancer is on...

Does Eczema Go Away on Its Own? Mar 12th, 2023

Do you or a loved one have eczema? This chronic skin condition requires treatment by a dermatologist. It doesn’t resolve on its own. If left untreated, it worsens and can easily turn into a bacterial infection.  Eczema is more common in childhood and infancy than in adulthood. Roughly 10-20% of infants have...

Check Your Moles Using the ABCDE Method Feb 14th, 2023

Moles are ubiquitous. Almost all adults have some moles, and some people have loads of them. Most moles are harmless, thankfully, but sometimes they’re not. They can be a form of melanoma, a potentially deadly form of skin cancer.  How do you tell the difference between moles that aren’t a...

Why Is Mohs Surgery Necessary? Jan 9th, 2023

Skin cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in the United States. Researchers estimate that 20% of Americans will get a skin cancer diagnosis during their lifetime, and the number of people getting skin cancer has increased dramatically in the last 50 years.  If you’ve received a diagnosis of basal cell or...

I'm Embarrassed About My Chronic Acne Dec 12th, 2022

You probably didn’t think adults could have acne, but you’re living proof of it. It’s embarrassing when meeting new people, whether they’re in your work world or in your social sphere.  Acne could give the impression that you have poor hygiene or don’t care about how you look, and that...

Home Remedies for Psoriasis Nov 7th, 2022

You’ve been diagnosed with psoriasis. Those itchy, red, scaly spots of skin are unsightly and sometimes painful. Our board-certified dermatologists with Seacoast Dermatology are the experts you want to see if you have this chronic skin condition. Medical treatment for psoriasis At Seacoast, we examine your skin and take a...

5 Foods That Promote Healthy, Radiant Skin Oct 10th, 2022

Your skin is the largest organ in your body. Just like the rest of your body, your skin needs an array of vitamins and minerals to keep it healthy. Are you eating foods that help your skin?  Our board-certified dermatologists and medical team at Seacoast Dermatology are the experts in skin care. We take...

5 Ways to Ensure Natural-Looking Filler Results Sep 13th, 2022

If you’re looking into getting dermal fillers, you want to be sure the effect is going to be what you’re looking for. You don’t want to end up with severely swollen lips or chipmunk cheeks, for example.  Today’s dermal fillers can help you look younger, refreshed, and rested. You can...

Sunburns — How Bad Are They Really? Aug 9th, 2022

You’ve been to the beach or the pool, or you’ve been working outside and gotten sunburned. Your sunscreen must have worn off — or did you forget to put it on in the first place? Does getting a sunburn really damage your skin? The answer is yes.  Our board-certified dermatologists with Seacoast Dermatology are...

Should You Apply Sunscreen or Makeup First? Jul 13th, 2022

Summer is here, and you’re out in the sun. For those days when you’re wearing makeup and may be outside all day long, you need all-day protection from the sun’s powerful rays.  How do you protect yourself? Should your sunscreen come first or your makeup? What about reapplying sunscreen over...

Getting Your Skin Ready for Another Summer Jun 1st, 2022

Summer’s coming and you’re looking forward to being outdoors a lot more. Is your skin ready for showtime?  At Seacoast Dermatology, our board-certified dermatologists are ready to help you banish any skin imperfections so you have smooth, silky skin this summer. Following are tips on how to get your skin...

The Best Preventive Measures Against Skin Cancer May 1st, 2022

Did you know that skin cancer is the most common type of cancer? About 3.5 million people are diagnosed with skin cancer every year in the United States. That’s 9,500 every day. A fifth of the US population will be diagnosed with some form of skin cancer by age 70. ...

Best Foods for Acne Apr 1st, 2022

Acne can be a painful condition, both psychologically and physically. No one wants a face full of unsightly raised, red blemishes. It’s a big blow to your self-esteem. And because your appearance matters, acne may limit social or career opportunities. Our board-certified dermatologists at Seacoast Dermatology are the specialists you...

Recovering from Mohs Surgery Mar 1st, 2022

You’ve been diagnosed with skin cancer. You’re preparing for Mohs surgery, the gold standard in treating skin cancers that appear in cosmetically sensitive places on your body.  Not all dermatologists are trained in Mohs surgery. But at Seacoast Dermatology, our founder,  Dr. James Dinulos, is an experienced Mohs surgeon. In...

Vulvar Skin Cancer: Here's What You Don't Know Feb 1st, 2022

You’re familiar with risks for skin cancer and take steps to protect yourself with sunscreen, limited exposure during the heat of the day, a hat, and sunglasses. But what do you do about vulvar skin cancer? You may not be aware that women can get skin cancer in the vulva,...

Here's How You Can Protect Your Skin This Winter Jan 1st, 2022

The onset of winter can bring unwelcome changes to your skin. You may experience a rougher texture to your skin, extra redness, flaky skin, and irritated or even cracked skin as dry air and winter wind do their worst.  Make our board-certified dermatologists at Seacoast Dermatology your go-to experts for...

Why Do Adults Still Get Acne? Dec 1st, 2021

You thought acne was a skin condition you’d never have again after suffering from it during adolescence. But it’s still popping up in adulthood. What’s going on?  Acne is a skin disorder that primarily affects adolescents. In the western world, it afflicts 79-95% of adolescents ages 16-18, but it also...

Things You're Doing Wrong When It Comes to Caring for Your Skin Nov 9th, 2021

Your skin is your body's largest organ, and with social media today, you show a lot of it in photos and videos. Naturally, you want beautiful, blemish-free, smooth and healthy skin. Who doesn’t? But you may inadvertently be harming it.  Our board-certified dermatologists with Seacoast Dermatology are the experts when...

What Every Woman Should Know About Their Unique Skin Care Needs Oct 4th, 2021

As a woman, you want to look your best, and a large part of looking good is the condition of your skin. No one wants wrinkled, leathery, blotchy skin. Our board-certified dermatologists here at Seacoast Dermatology have the expertise to keep your skin healthy and glowing.  Following are areas of...

How to Prevent the Early Signs of Aging Sep 6th, 2021

You’ve seen friends or relatives who look a lot older than they are, and you want to avoid it. Who wants to see wrinkles, skin that looks like leather, facial grooves, uneven skin texture, and other obvious signs of aging when you look in the mirror?  You can do your...

Everything You Should Know About Moles Aug 2nd, 2021

You might think of moles as beauty marks. Most are benign, but sometimes moles can become cancerous and lead to melanoma if you don’t get them removed.   Our board-certified dermatologists at Seacoast Dermatology are experts in diagnosing and treating moles if any look suspicious.  An annual dermatology checkup is the...

What Is Vulvar Skin Cancer? Jul 19th, 2021

Skin cancer is the most common kind of cancer. It’s likely that you or someone you know may have had basal or squamous skin cancer on the face, hands, arms, or legs. That’s understandable because that skin is exposed to the sun.  But skin cancer can appear on your body...

A Closer Look at Mohs Surgery Jun 17th, 2021

Learning that you have skin cancer is unsettling. Sun exposure has taken its toll on your skin, and now you need to do something about it. But you want to be sure that treatment will be effective.  There are different procedures for removing skin cancers. While all of the procedures...

Who Should Get a Skin Cancer Screening and How Often? May 1st, 2021

After so much isolation during the global pandemic, you’re probably ready to get outside. Perhaps you’re planning a summer trip to the beach or simply going to enjoy time at the neighborhood pool.  The sun’s rays make you feel good, and your body makes essential vitamin D from being exposed...

Rashes You Should Be Concerned About Apr 1st, 2021

Rashes are usually minor irritations, but sometimes they can signal underlying medical conditions or allergic reactions that require immediate treatment.  Our board-certified dermatologists here at Seacoast Dermatology are expert skin diagnosticians who get to the root of your discomfort quickly and provide the necessary medical treatment to eliminate your rash. ...

Should I Be Concerned About My Moles? Mar 11th, 2021

Your moles are a part of you. You’re used to looking at that mole on your arm, leg, or chest. But what if the mole starts to change? Since moles can sometimes become cancerous, learn what to look for so you can head off trouble before it becomes a problem. ...

Help for Your Eczema Feb 1st, 2021

Your eczema may be a constant irritant. Red, itchy areas of skin aren't fun, especially if they’re in a visible place always on display to others.  Eczema is characterized by inflammation of the skin. A study of eczema patients found that the most common complaints were: Itching scaly skin Inflamed...

Can Nutrition Help Psoriasis? Jan 12th, 2021

If you have psoriasis, you know how it can make you self-conscious. You’re probably tired of the itchy, red, scaly skin, especially in places where it’s visible.  Are there natural remedies to calm those unsightly patches of skin? New research suggests that lifestyle changes can make a difference in the...

Risk Factors for Ovarian Cancer Dec 1st, 2020

You might think it’s strange for a dermatology blog to be on the subject of ovarian cancer, but there’s a connection.  Your gynecologist checks for any sign of ovarian or other reproductive-related cancer, and that’s as it should be. But dermatologists who examine your skin are alert to rare but...

How Does Menopause Affect Your Skin? Nov 1st, 2020

If you’re a woman in your 40s or early 50s, perhaps you’re wishing you could turn back the hands of time. You see changes in your face and the rest of your body that say middle age is approaching.  You know that aging is nature’s way of counting the years,...

Why Annual Skin Checks Are Important Oct 1st, 2020

Summer is your time to bask in the sun, especially since you may not get a lot of vitamin D during the winter between working and shorter daylight hours.  While sunshine has its benefits, too much of a good thing can harm you, and that adage is true when it...

Fillers vs. Botox: Which Is Best For You? Sep 16th, 2020

Botox® has repeatedly claimed the spot of the most popular cosmetic treatment in the nation, and it’s still No. 1 today. Over 100 million vials of Botox have been sold in the country since it was approved in 2002.  Dermal fillers are close behind, and their use is surging, too,...

5 Foods That Promote Feminine Health Aug 13th, 2020

Your intake, meaning the food you eat, plays a huge part in your general health and the health of your skin. At Seacoast Dermatology, we specialize in helping women maintain healthy, beautiful, smooth skin. Following are five foods that when eaten regularly help keep you and your skin healthy.  Fish...

5 Tips to Protect Your Skin From Sun This Year Jul 14th, 2020

Whether it’s going to the pool or beach or simply gardening at home, you’re likely to be exposed to the sun more hours of the day during the summer than any other season.  Take a couple of minutes before going outside to protect yourself from those strong ultraviolet rays to...

Signs You Should Ask Your Doctor About a Rash Jun 12th, 2020

Rashes. Almost everyone has had one at one time or another. You know the signs: Your skin may be red and swollen or have small, lumpy bumps in the affected area, and many rashes cause itching. It’s hard to keep yourself from scratching it repeatedly.  A rash is a symptom...

Why Your Skin Has so Many Discolorations as You Age May 13th, 2020

If you’re middle-aged or older, you probably have noticed changes in your skin. You may have some areas of skin that are darker than your normal tone, or you may have scaly patches. The spots are likely on skin that’s been exposed to the elements, such as your face and...

Understanding the ABCDE Rule for Suspicious Lesions Apr 27th, 2020

You’ve heard about the risk of skin cancer and want to avoid it. You know how essential it is to wear sunscreen when you’re outside. But how well do you know your skin? Have you ever really examined the variations on it?  Your skin has one thing in common with...

Introducing Telehealth - easy Phone and Video call visits from your home! Mar 25th, 2020

Our dermatology providers are here to help. We now offer Teledermatology to care for new or existing patients remotely—via a phone or video call. Virtual visits are now covered by most major insurances as if they were in person. Worrisome lesions? Acne? Rash? Medication follow-up? Skin cancer consults and follow-up?...

Dermal Fillers — An Easy Road to a More Youthful Appearance Feb 29th, 2020

In the past year, you may have noticed new fine lines and wrinkles. Aging is a normal process, but you don’t have to look older than you feel. Are your smile lines or the crow’s feet around your eyes looking a little deeper? Perhaps you’ve recently lost weight and your...

How Often Should I See a Dermatologist for Skin Cancer? Feb 3rd, 2020

The sun’s rays are beneficial to your health; when you’re in the sun, your body makes Vitamin D, essential to good health. Sunlight may also increase the hormone serotonin, which can boost your mood.  But sun exposure also has a downside. Sunlight is the major source for skin cancer, which...

Women's Health: Why Women Shouldn't Ignore Soreness, Genital Bumps, or Itches Jan 3rd, 2020

You may find any soreness, bumps, or itches that generate from your genitals are too embarrassing to talk about. But ignoring the signs and symptoms may place your health at risk. At Seacoast Dermatology, we specialize in women’s skin care needs and understand how difficult it can be to discuss...

What to Expect After Mohs Surgery Dec 2nd, 2019

More people are diagnosed with skin cancer than any other cancer. Two of the most common skin cancers are squamous cell cancer and basal cell carcinoma. Fortunately, these cancers are usually curable if detected early.  One of the best ways to treat these cancers is with Mohs surgery. At Seacoast...

How to Tell Whether that Itchy Rash is Eczema or Psoriasis Nov 14th, 2019

When your skin is frequently dry, itchy, or inflamed, you may be diagnosed with a chronic skin condition such as eczema or psoriasis. However, many people with a persistent skin rash fail to seek an accurate medical diagnosis of their symptoms, preferring to treat their symptoms at home instead. Unfortunately,...

How to Skin Check with AAD - Proud to sponsor our local cancer centers Oct 18th, 2019

Have you noticed a new spot on your skin, maybe an irregularly-shaped freckle or mole, that wasn’t there in the past? This could be an early warning sign of skin cancer. Skin cancer can happen to anyone, and it’s estimated that 1 in 5 Americans will succumb to skin cancer...

A Beginner's Guide to Botox®: 4 Tips to Prepare for your First Treatment Sep 1st, 2019

Botox® has lead non-invasive cosmetic procedures in the United States for over a decade, with nearly 7.5 million Botox treatments provided in 2018 alone. Botox is safe, effective, and FDA approved, giving millions of people a more youthful look and more self-confidence. At Seacoast Dermatology, with locations in Exeter, Portsmouth,...

Learn What Mystery Triggers May Be Causing Your Rosacea Flare-Ups Aug 1st, 2019

A recent study found that nearly 415 million people worldwide suffer from rosacea, with an estimated 16 million of them Americans. This common skin disorder varies in severity, sometimes presenting only a minor nuisance, while others find their faces taken over by redness, visible blood vessels, and bumps. And the...

Summertime Tips to Keep the Sun From Wreaking Havoc on Your Skin Jul 1st, 2019

Summertime comes with a unique set of challenges for your body.  Your acne may get worse, as some skin care treatments aren’t recommended during this time of the year. Plus, you have to find a fine balance between getting enough Vitamin D and avoiding sunburn.  Here are a few tips...

Hormones Can Affect Your Skin (Especially During Pregnancy & Menopause). Here's What You Can Do. Jun 18th, 2019

Two of the most stressful periods in a woman’s life, pregnancy and menopause, can result in a range of hormonal skin disorders. Our compassionate team at Seacoast Dermatology, PLLC — James Dinulos, MD; Andrew Werchniak, MD; Maria Petkova, NP-C; Emily Farrell, PA-C; and Darin Franceschini, PA-C — can help you...

5 Strategies to Lower Your Risk of Skin Cancer May 13th, 2019

Winter is a long season, especially here in New England, where it tends to begin before its official start date and linger long past spring’s slated arrival. It’s only natural, then, that you want to get outside as the days grow longer and the breeze gets warmer. After so many...